In My Heaven

In my heaven, there is love, grace, and acceptance.

There is freedom, vast consciousness, and clarity.

There is forgiveness, attunement, and growth.

In my heaven there is no judgment, nor condemnation, nor disconnection between anyone nor anything, even when god winks and everyone blinks.

In my heaven, there is balance and growth, and energies which flow in, through, and around us. There is perfect communication as the will directs.

In my heaven, there is so much love, that growth and learning are easy as breathing, when we ask in humility for enlightenment.

In my heaven, there is equality of souls and communion and honesty.

There is no arrogance, instead contrition and surrender to the energies, and love for one and other.

In my heaven we are balanced and whole, feel connection and autonomy.

Respect everyone and everything. Honor everything as a gift from God, and usually keep moving on, answering the calls of our souls, without constraints, from harsh judgments.

The freedom and the rapturous experience of all of this generates health and wellness even with “seaming” infinite degrees of freedom and radioactive decay.

It flows like a river in time, and eventually every temporal experience within and between selves and souls, finds connection within, between and beyond itself, and in transformation one can suspend time, and mind, and venture in universe, metaverse, remaining in connection with omniverse, or God.

This is the sacred Yoga or union, with freedom to oblivion, without permanence. “To sleep, perchance to dream, and there are stranger things than all of our imaginings,” and at light speed and beyond we learn to love them all, because we appreciate the love and freedom, that flows from the creator.

In my heaven, you will always be available to me, and I to you, and that availability, conjoined with the availability of god, completes, my idea of heaven, because I love you, everyone and everything.

And “here,” “now,” I find rest and peace, and I confess, I am only following example surrendering to flow of infinite possibilities, and enjoying the beauty of heaven, because I see you and everything as intricately and vastly beautiful and good, because I believe god does not make mistakes.

Even if in certain forms, I may not see you nor others, nor myself, I can always change locations, approaches, lighting, and perspectives, so that I will, when the time and space is right, and vice versa.

And there are more senses than sight. There is passion and compassion while the energy flows through us and even pain serves a purpose, to get our attention, increase our awareness, or to help us make a change or transform. Sounds like music to me. Let’s keep on dancing.

Never totally know where it will take us, but we can have intent and faith and join in co-creation, with love, acceptance, and appreciation.

Energy, balance, flow, vibrance, health, and vitality abound in, through, and around us , in my Heaven.

Do not miss it, don’t miss me, join me” here,” “now,” in my heaven.

Aloha, Namaste, Yogi Mark.

(Dancing with myself and god. “From grace flows humility and gratitude, from gratitude flows respect and appreciation, and from appreciation flows joy and love and peace.” copyright 5 jan 2013)

I Cried until I Smiled

(for Every Tear a Billion Smiles)

I cried the day that I could see, that I loved you and you loved me.

I cried the day you lost your way, lost how to speak, the words to say.

I cried, the day that you went blind, you lost your feet, you lost your mind.

I cried the day you could not hear: I love you still, I hold you dear.

I cried when it came over me, that you were gone went out to sea.

I cried, and waited long and hard, like a loyal dog left in the yard.

I cried when I saw fields of wheat, learned how to walk with bittersweet.

I cried when I saw the forests green, then change their leaves and colours seen.

I cried, to know you saw it all, a winter’s death, spring, summer, fall.

I smiled when I understood, you were here for time, then gone for good.

I smiled when I could set you free, understood that smile you had for me.

I smile when I recall your face, that knowing smile, that love and grace.

So now for every tear I shed, a billion smiles are in my head.

(Willowater Poetry Copyright 5 Dec 15)

Everything and Nothing

Everything to be happy about; Nothing to be sad about.

We have Everything to be happy about, and Nothing to be sad about.

Everything to fill us up; Nothing to be empty.

Everything to color our world; Nothing to give darkness.

We have Everything to be figures, Nothing to be ground, and the tapestry god’s weaving, has love, and light, and sound.

Everything and Nothing, the Yin and Yang of Chance, always in our journey they find their true romance.

Everything thing in you, and everything in me, radiant, inductive, within the willow tree.

Nothing is as strong as Oak, my feminine divine, holding, yielding, being in all the space of time.

Everything, I give you, you may never understand, but in all the splendid wonder there seems Nothing just as grand.

Nothing, soft and silent, a space, a void, a cure, she keeps yielding from the infinite, all things for love endure.

Everything in flower, Nothing we embrace, and we miss her almost always, since she flows in every race.

Every race, every trace, every movement, every stop, Nothing omnipresent, in the ocean and teardrop.

Everything and Nothing, may I have my angel wings, open doors and metaphors, do they ever mean a thing?

Do we think we race survival? Miss the fact of our arrival?

We think of everything and nothing, and it’s perfect just the same.

Everything and Nothing, in love that’s meant to last, present, past and future in every looking glass.

( Dancing with God and myself. Willowwater Poetry, copyright 25 Jan16)